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get this monkey suit off me

get this monkey suit off me

January 24, 2016

two pi lullaby

January 14, 2016

i am fish

December 13, 2015

afloat i wind to your heart

December 12, 2015

flat line

December 8, 2015

in case you missed it

December 3, 2015

sweet syrup eyes concerto

December 3, 2015

blaze heart angel feather

November 24, 2015

bird moon feather

October 21, 2015

chapbook 2k15

April 15, 2015

leafy eye

March 2, 2015

MaYa SpHynX eyeO’echo LoVe You

September 27, 2014

a guide dance

September 25, 2014


September 14, 2014

i am mighty love

August 23, 2014

KrYstaL CaScAdEs, DeeP WaTerS JaDe

August 20, 2014

captains log: day 10,712

June 5, 2014

i am. illusion.

June 4, 2014

heart spillin scotch

May 21, 2014

spider mind playground

May 13, 2014

beloved brain, though i love you so

May 5, 2014

sun bleeds fire to echo moon

sun bleeds fire to echo moon

April 15, 2014

maya steamheart, apollo blue jay

maya steamheart, apollo blue jay

April 11, 2014

orchid star garden

March 25, 2014

sphynx eyeO’echo wake

March 23, 2014

chrome sunset pirouette

chrome sunset pirouette

February 16, 2014

singe canvas, spread flame

February 10, 2014

paradise in parallel

paradise in parallel

January 3, 2014

eye apollo jay eyes

November 22, 2013

jewels of time capsule ette

November 16, 2013

twin candles burn at both ends

November 3, 2013

Athena Amorphesa Celexa

October 28, 2013

just a fantasy stuck in time

October 10, 2013

matrix trance moon skydance

October 4, 2013

sun bleeds fire to echo moon

By poetryNo Comments
Blood Moon Eclipse
hanging high in the corner
of thy star maze lagoon
there you lie the apple of my eye
my mirror, my muse, my moon
in all thy beauty, in all thy charm

said the mirror to the moon
moon be not blue
see self that fiery light, that’s you
moon you melt mirrors mercurial
moon see self through my’es
eye burn for thee eternally

how you’ve whispered such sublime wind
through labyrinths of fancy minds
echoing iridescent across all records time

how you swing
on the starmaze trapeze
with such grace, such ease

how you pirouette
guiding quills of poet’s
and don’t even know it
mirror one echo one, love

moon be not blue
thine beauty glows
minds unglued

see stargazers in trance?
comets ablaze in dance?
such is the power of thine majesty
casting spells with thine glow
and you don’t even know

hence in similar hue
sun eye knows not power
without mirror moon

without mirror moon
sun hath not fire to burn
tis but a seed taciturn
but a lotus pending bloom

without mirror
sun still dreams in womb
moon still wrapped in cocoon
but a sleeping beauty
dreaming of that burning kiss
to melt her yearning lips

without mirror
both mortal, no wings
without mirror kiss
whispering sweets
to the nocturne
whence fire burns,
amber embers fade to abyss

sun pierce heart bleed love fire
warm wintery moon from blue
moon kiss sun, beauty dance make burn
sun fire awaken thy twin!
sun bleed fire blanket clothe moon!

moon rise from cocoon!
spread wings angel thing
dance butterfly in solar fire
waltz round earth inferno burn desire
sun eye love eye moon one aeternum Read More

chrome sunset pirouette

By poetryNo Comments

o’ how ‘pon divine eye jewels thine i dine
beauty is thee Isis eyes, i sees itself beauty in echo
magic mirror eyes muse magnetic
eye muse you one tune, love

moonlit mind swims hypnotic sun paint she is
she fluorescent rain solara incantata,
masquerade mascara jade

o’ Spiral Eyes you whisper fibonacci wind dreams
fly midnight river, silver drip one starmaze for she
singe keys in swirl type, dance fire fingers twinkle eyes
dance cosmetic lyric cosmic poetics

we eclipse breathe elysium echo in iris crystals
of ancient suns and sapphire winds she is
rose drip nectar tulips, she melt moon fire
in chrome sunsets she pirouettes
on white shores Venus sands, Isis dance

soul portal love true eyes rain on You
swim fire wings in sugary amethyst eyes
cherry serenade my blue veil Nightingale bright

drink sweet lips, my spirit rain
crystal fountain chalice falls
o’ sweet syrup eyes concerto,
thine embers glow butterfly music!

implore i, sweet sparrow in swoon,
what magic implanted stars behind thy eyes
and upon when did you swallow the moon?

beauty in lyric mirror reflect she?
nay, apple eye moon eclipse
lyric sink ‘neath she radiant butterfly fire

lyric. abstraction. nothingness.
words full fancy Keats banquet? emptiness.
lyric celestial magic Gibran mad love? nothingness
dream tea sonnet midnight heart Rumi? abyss
pitch script. ash. fire wolves devour large

what say lyric of she, divine Beauty?
capture fail essence. foil. nothingness
linguistic larble. label. letters. void
verbal dribble stutter drip. mute

eye o’echo eclipse mirror moon
love burn eternal molten heart one
amorphesa celexa solara amore aeternum