wOrDSmithereens I CoManD I AM
Tuesday, September 14, 2014
Word-sMyths kNow
tHat wOrDSmithereens
conCocting MayaToReal
wOrD wOrLds of wArs,
conSept-Ember dust, Props-Again-Duhh
and Smoke Screen Screams
hAve no RaElm in my IsIs EyEs DreAms
M-Eye iMagiNation as Magi I Am,
Is-Is SacRed & Sovereign via Divination,
By my Will-I-Am,
eYe KeyRate Beauty
with Love, inLight, inJoy, with All
for All eYe See, I Am
eYe DisAllow (All-Low) Vibrational Illusions
All not ReFlectYin
maya DiVine conScepter Truth
of PaRaDiSee HeAveN New Earth
to remove itself aGain, disRobe Vestas Veil,
from my Royal ReAllah-T LaEyeFe
so we as One, MaY pLay-Dian again
hOur sOurCe play-ground Music!
I Am Divine Co-Man-nd
And as I speak, I decree
for I Am – with Love, inLight, inJoy
Abracadabra Bee!